Inspired by true events, One Hen tells the story of Kojo, a boy from Ghana who turns a small loan into a thriving farm and a livelihood for many. After his father died, Kojo had to quit school to h…
Using simple words and bright illustrations, author-illustrator Taro Gomi shows children that sometimes knowledge can come from all kinds of friends.
Sarindi put his last three marbles into the ring, and smoothed the dirt with his hand. He decided to give the red and blue marble one last chance. For luck he rubbed it behind his right ear, as Jay…
Abdullah wants to catch the elusive, jewel-winged butterfly, so that he can buy porridge for his grandfather. In a magic moment, a woman learns that the love of a boy for his grandfather is the mos…
Alexandre Dumas’s most famous tale— and possibly the most famous historical novel of all time— in a handsome hardcover volume. This swashbuckling epic of chivalry, honor, and derring-do, s…
All About Indonesia is a book for children that takes them on an adventure through one of the world's largest and most culturally diverse countries. Along the way, kids are introduced to Indones…