A princess has eleven brothers. The twelve siblings live happily and well, until their father decides to remarry. Their new stepmother is a wicked woman, and she turns all the brothers into swans a…
By the time rumor has changed and spread the story one lost feather becomes five lovesick hens who have plucked out all their feathers. It's absolutely true! say the hens to the owls. And it is re…
Following on the brilliant success of The Little Match Girl and his fourth Caldecott Honor Book, The Ugly Duckling, Jerry Pinkney brings us another enchanting adaptation of a Hans Christian Anderse…
An ugly duckling spends an unhappy year ostracized by the other animals before he grows into a beautiful swan.
Sekarang ini dongeng telah menjadi unsur penting dalam kehidupan anak. Dongeng menjadi alat bagi orang dewasa, khususnya orangtua, untuk membukakan pintu yang mengantar seorang anak ke dunia imajin…
Two well-known stories are printed so that each is read in an opposite direction. Three bears return from a walk and find a little girl asleep in baby bear's bed.
SI ITIK KECIL BUK RUPA Itik kecil buruk rupa sedih sekali karena tidak adayang mau menerimanya. Ibunya mengusirnya karena dia jelek, kucing dan ayam peliharaan majikannya mengganggunya karena dia d…
In a story of the triumph of light and love over darkness and selfishness, we meet Thumbelina, the tiny girl come-to-life through a flower, who is misplaced when she is kidnapped by an ugly toad. T…
It was summer in the country. All the hay had been stacked, and the fields of wheat were yellow. Tall dock leaves grew on the banks of the canals. Among the dock leaves, on her nest, sat a duck w…